Features and Events
First Gen Power Moves | Diversitech
Connections are the key to success. Here are the stories of four first generation professionals who made their Power Moves by Cultivating Their Connections
Hella First Gen Audio Series
This space is created for us to tell our story, share our first-gen experiences and empower our community. Every month I gather former Hella Latin@ podcast guests, friends and colleagues to openly discuss topics our community feels day in and day out.
LinkedIn Social Impact Article | Owning Your Story
Go into those interviews 100% you. And if they don’t want you because you’re showing up as your full self, then you wouldn’t want to work there anyway.
Shoutout LA Feature
“At the end of the day, I come from a community of trailblazers and hustlers. And that’s everything you need to know about who I am.”
Hope y’all enjoy this little piece about me, my story, and my purpose.
Unfiltered with Odalys & Pabel
Joined forces once again with one of my favorite entrepreneurs, Pabel, the CEO of Plurawl, to create Unfiltered. A new LinkedIn Live series focused on keeping it real when it comes to the Black and Latino experience.